divendres, 10 de maig del 2013


pinterest link, click here
This link on pinterest we see different images in different folders and different types of tourism.


  1. Search the characteristics of slow movement.

Is a cultural movement that promotes calm human activities. The slow movement intends to take control of the time, rather than submit to his tyranny, giving priority to activities that lead to the development of people, finding a balance between the use of technology-oriented saving time and taking time need to enjoy activities such as a walk or sharing a meal with others.
- Environmental policy

- Infrastructure policy will

- Les technologies for urban quality

- The promotion of indigenous productions

- The awareness of citizens

  1. Try to find some example in CAT and SPAIN.

IN CAT: There are 2 populations belonging to Cittaslow in Catalonia, are almost: Begur and Pals.

IN SPAIN: There are 4 people belonging to Cittaslow in Spain, are almost: Bigastro, Lekeitio, Mungia and Rubielos of Mora.

At the moment it has already become an international network with numerous adherent populations worldwide.

  1. Explain where the slow movement was born and why.

The slow movement began in Italy. Slow Movement aims exaltation of the values ​​of enjoy and savor life, so his creation.


diumenge, 7 d’abril del 2013

dilluns, 11 de febrer del 2013

Cultural tourism in Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo

In this video we present below you can see the different things you can do as sightseeing in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and Tokyo in Japan. The travel arrangements with flight, hotel and itinerary that the days will be one of two places. This will cover things that are essential to visit if you visit one of two places.

dimarts, 15 de gener del 2013

Turisme industrial Kirin Factory i Airbus Factory

The tourism industry is one type of tourism in which people will see factories or industries in which you can see the product and make it to try and get it.
We suggest visiting the Kirin Brewery in Japan a major beer brands in Asia, after going to propose to visit the Toulouse Airbus factory.

dimarts, 18 de desembre del 2012


En aquestes imatges podem veure el mapa mundial amb el top25 de destinacion turistiques de sol i platja segon el tripadvisor. Després podem veure dos destinacions dintre d'aquestes 25 que nosaltres em escollit perquè creiem que són de les millors que podem oferir. La primera es Santa Marta que és troba a Colombia, el qual hi ha un vol diari amb la companyia Avianca que surt des de Barcelona fa escala a la capital Bogotà i despres surt cap a Santa Marta, són unes 12 hores de vol. La tornada també es amb la companyia Avianca i surt des de Santa Marta direccio Bogotà de la capital colombiana on farem escala anirem a Madrid i d'allà a Barcelona, unes 17 hores de vol, el bitllet costaría uns 1200€. Allà podràs gaudir de la seves platjes per relaxar-te i practicar el submarinisme i gaudir de la seva magnífica fauna aquàtica.
La segona destinació que em triat es Natal el Brasil, el qual agafarem un air france de Barcelona i farem escala a Paris Chaules de Gaulle, d'allà anirem directe a Natal seran unes 21 hores de vol, la tornada sera més llarga i amb la companyia GOL una companyia sudamericana ja que a part de Paris també farem escala a Rio de Janeiro i durarà unes 28 hores, es una de les principals destinacions pels amants del surf, també es pot gaudir de les platjes d'aigua calenta gràcies el seu clima tropical.

dilluns, 10 de desembre del 2012


Us presentem un cap de setmana diferent a la ciutat de Girona pels aficionats de la natura i l'ecologia, on podràn gaudir de la meravallosa ciutat mitjançant una bicicleta i gaudir d'un bon àpat ecologic, tot per un módic preu.